1522 results found

Informing Investment in Youth Work: Measuring value and strengthening the evidence base

Publication 30 June 2011

We believe that managing the transition between youth and adulthood better is vitally important in improving outcomes for young people. However there is a lack of evidence about what works in this area. Further, such evidence as exists is not

The Way to Work: Young People Speak Out on Transitions to Employment

Publication 1 May 2011

The world of work and transitions to adulthood and independence are in a state of flux. Young people negotiating their transitions to adulthood are faced with unprecedented choice and opportunity, but also far greater levels of uncertainty and risk. The

Social Impact Investment: The opportunity and challenge of Social Impact Bonds

Publication 1 March 2011

The spending squeeze in the UK from 2008 onwards means that there is more interest than ever, both in tools to achieve greater value, and ones that can tap new sources of finance for social goals. Different approaches to investment

Connect: Patients and the Power of Data

Publication 1 March 2011

Information is the lifeblood of high quality healthcare. There have been huge technological advances about how it can be used and by whom, which have been under utilised by the NHS. It is now possible to give people control over

Study on Social Innovation for the Bureau of European Policy Advisors

Publication 1 March 2011

“The financial and economic crisis makes creativity and innovation in general and social innovation in particular even more important to foster sustainable growth, secure jobs and boost competitiveness.” José Manuel Barroso, BEPA Workshop on ‘Europe and Social Innovation’ 20th January

How to Guides

Publication 1 March 2011

This series of guides is designed to help funders and project leads to set up and sustain innovative projects across the NHS. The How to Guides draw together the material on supporting health innovation which the Young Foundation delivered and

Rough Nights: The Growing Dangers of Working at Night

Publication 1 March 2011

This report explores the lives of those people who work at night: the men and women who keep our hospitals open, clean our offices, allow us to cancel lost credit cards, serve us drinks in a club or drive us

Place typologies and their policy applications

Repository entry 1 February 2011

This report was commissioned late in 2009 by the Spatial Analysis Unit in the Department for Communities and Local Government. It was originally designed as a ‘toolkit’ to support analysts and policy users in CLG (now renamed DCLG), other central government departments, regional government and local authorities in using classifica…

Signing on: Experiences of worklessness in Birmingham

Publication 1 December 2010

This report maps the journeys of Birmingham residents seeking work in the second half of 2010 and reflecting on their experiences, makes recommendations for how employability support could be changed in the future – both to improve the rate of

Charm Offensive: Cultivating Civility in 21st Century Britain

Publication 1 December 2010

Civility can seem like an old fashioned concept and the British public tends to think we are on a spiral of decline when it comes to everyday politeness. This report, co-funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and

Learning in Company: Designing The U

Publication 1 December 2010

The U’s founding belief was that engaging training in a range of useful skills such as first aid, saving energy and intervening safely to defuse conflict will encourage more effective responses to social challenges by citizens who participate in The

Building resilient communities

Publication 1 December 2010

In Summer 2010, the Young Foundation worked with Wiltshire County Council to develop new approaches to improve wellbeing and transform service delivery by removing the duplication that can arise where citizens interact with multiple agencies. The Young Foundation worked with


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