1529 results found

INSPIRE: An evaluation of the Sussex Police schools education programme

Publication 7 September 2014

There is relatively little research looking at the views of children and young people about the police but improving confidence and experiences of contact with the police is a priority identified by the Association of Chief Police Officers. Early contact

Big Local Annual Learning Review 2013-14: Final report

Repository entry 1 September 2014

This review sets out the findings of the third Annual Review of Big Local. It draws on data collected in the year April 2013 to March 2014 by Local Trust and partners in order to report on progress towards the Big Local aim and outcomes, as well as to reflect on what has been learnt during the year and the implications for the coming years.

Better by Design: Design thinking for the Scottish third sector

Publication 28 July 2014

Many third sector organisations are facing increased demand for their services, more competition for funding and increased pressure to show their social impact. In response, Big Lottery Fund Scotland developed Better By Design, a process of design-led support provided by

Co-operative Pubs 2014: A Better Form of Business

Repository entry 1 June 2014

This publication is the first ever report on the state of the co‐operative pubs sector in the UK. It is based on a survey conducted by Plunkett Foundation staff in December 2013 and draws on information provided by 21 of the 22 co‐operative pubs open and trading at the end of 2013. The majority of the information was collected through …

Community Shops 2014: A Better Form of Business

Repository entry 1 June 2014

This report aims to give an overview of the development of the community shop sector in the UK and of the health and wealth of the sector today. Specifically, the report provides numerical data about the range of legal and management structures of these shops; a summary of the scope of products and services they offer; an analysis of their prof…

Digital Social Innovation in Northern Ireland

Publication 2 April 2014

There is huge potential for digital technology to be more widely used for the social good in Northern Ireland, and this report highlights ways in which voluntary and community groups, the private and public sectors and high-tech experts can make

A Reflection on Social Innovation in Colombia

Publication 5 February 2014

In 2013, The Young Foundation and the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) were commissioned by the national Colombian Centre for Social Innovation of ANSPE (National Agency to Overcome Extreme Poverty) to design and run a series of events on Social Innovation

Big Local Annual Learning Review 2012-13: Final report

Repository entry 1 January 2014

This report builds on the first annual learning review, Early Learning from Big Local, and examines further the steps that are being taken towards achieving the overall aim and these outcomes. We have looked at four main questions to help us understand how residents and others in Big Local areas are starting to get involved, getting suppor…

Influences on the development of Big Local areas

Repository entry 1 January 2014

To learn about what makes Big Local work, the Community Development Foundation was asked by Local Trust to explore how Big Local is developing in areas and what influences progress.

They visited 14 Big Local areas between June and October 2013. In each area they held a focus group with residents who were actively involved, and interviewed repr…

Bridging the Divide: Social entrepreneurs and commissioners on public sector contracting

Publication 18 December 2013

Successive UK governments have pursued an agenda of opening up public services to alternative providers from the private and third sectors, with the stated aim of diversifying provision in order to promote competition, efficiency and innovation. The current coalition government

Feeling the Squeeze: An insight into the impact of the cuts on some of the most vulnerable in Camden

Publication 10 December 2013

This report is the second part of a study to understand the impact of the national and local changes to benefits and services on some of the most vulnerable residents in Camden. In the first year in 2012, we found

Together We Can: Exploring asset-based approaches and complex needs service transformation

Publication 14 November 2013

Our health needs as a nation are changing. Improvements in healthcare mean we are now living longer than ever, yet these advances also bring new challenges. At the same time, we are living in a society which places greater value


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