Social action
50 results found
Join the Conversation: A collection of simple ideas for planning social action in your community
Publication 8 May 2018
This handbook contains a collection of prompts, ideas and frameworks to help you think about opportunities for social action in your community. It aims to help you explore and discuss the things you love about the place you live, as
Amplify: Voices and actions in places
Publication 20 April 2018
Designed and developed by the Young Foundation in partnership with communities, Amplify responds to the real, lived experiences of people and the communities in which they live and is based on the principles of listening deeply and treading carefully. Amplify connects people to take action together. It
Uttlesford Community Action Zones Report
Publication 11 April 2018
As part of our work in Essex, the “Uttlesford Community Action Research – Community Action Zones” project took a strengths-based approach to understanding social isolation and loneliness; focusing on people’s social connections and networks, rather than assuming social deficit. Drawing
Stories of Inequality and Action
Publication 20 December 2017
This report covers some highlights of our work from 2014-2017, when we made a strategic decision to focus on inequalities and direct all our work to challenging it.
“Let’s talk about parks” – conversation club resource
Publication 5 December 2017
Parks have a special place in the modern urban landscape as they are publicly owned, free to use and exist simply for our enjoyment, regardless of our background or social background. Spending time outdoors provides respite from the stresses of
#refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book
Publication 4 December 2017
Do you work directly with refugees and asylum seekers? This resource book will share information on how the use of public space can help to facilitate wellbeing and inclusion, and offers ideas for supporting positive experiences. Are you involved in
Taking the future into their own hands: Youth work and entrepreneurial learning.
Publication 2 July 2017
In the challenging times that most EU Member States are experiencing in the aftermath of the financial crisis, young people are at particular risk of being left at the margins of society. In 2016, approximately 1 in 10 young people
Community Powered Change: Telling stories, growing ideas
Publication 8 May 2017
Part of our places programme, Amplify NI was a major five-year initiative to support people in Northern Ireland to take action together, to create fairer communities where everyone can thrive. The programme brought people and organisations from all parts of
Communities Can: Final Evaluation Report
Publication 22 March 2017
Communities Can was a 2-year pilot to test how best to provide organisational development support for small community groups, set out to demonstrate how they can be supported, and what they can achieve as a result. The Big Lottery Fund and
Amplify Cymru Storybook
Publication 18 October 2016
Part of our places programme, Amplify Cymru was launched in Port Talbot in South Wales bringing together communities from Aberystwyth, Connah’s Quay and Port Talbot. We worked with them to find out what they believe needs changing to transform these
A Story of Leeds: Changing the world every day
Publication 26 March 2016
This report shares the stories of people from all walks of life in Leeds, learning about the deeply held values that exist in communities and hearing people’s stories of hope and transformation. It also shines a light on projects, initiatives
Making Waves
Publication 16 March 2016
The Young Foundation’s Amplify programmes across cities and regions in the UK and beyond are platforms of interconnected research, community development and innovation support designed to spark new ideas for tackling structural inequalities which respond to the real, lived experiences
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