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1529 results found
Grit: The skills for success and how they are grown
Publication 1 May 2009
Grit: The skills for success and how they are grown argues that Britain’s schools need to prioritise grit and self-discipline. Drawing on evidence from around the world it shows that these contribute as much to success at work and in
Neighbourhood working: where do we go from here? Towards a new research agenda
Publication 1 May 2009
This paper was given at an international round table organised by the Local Governance Research Unit (LGRU) at De Montfort University on 7 May 2009 to discuss emerging and new agendas for neighbourhood policy and governance. This event convened a
Metropolitan metrics: measuring success of a collaborative city
Publication 1 April 2009
The London Collaborative worked with network members and policy officers to help test and develop thinking on the benefits, use and focus of a set of London wide measures of success. The piece was intended to inform reflection on how
Collaborative projects on youth crime
Publication 1 April 2009
Working with Essex, Knowsley, Sheffield and Westminster local authorities, the Innovation Catalyst looked at a collaborative workstream on youth crime which provided research, intensive support and innovation consultancy to help develop and support innovative pilots. The Innovation Catalyst was a
Meet the parents: stories of teenage pregnancy and parenthood in Lewisham
Publication 1 March 2009
The Young Foundation was commissioned by the London Borough of Lewisham to look at how perceptions and expectations of young people in the borough impacted on teenage pregnancy. We carried out detailed ethnographic studies to capture the experiences of young
Fixing the Future
Publication 1 February 2009
This paper is about how to mitigate the impacts of the 2008 recession, and, where possible, turn crisis into opportunity. It was prepared to provide a framework for thinking and action by governments and local authorities, voluntary organisations and businesses,
Receding Tide: Understanding unmet needs in a harsher economic climate
Publication 30 January 2009
This interim report warns of the hidden psychological dangers of the recession – unmet psychological needs. Much publicity surrounds the economic costs of the recession but these unmet psychological needs, such as loneliness, stress, frustration, feeling out of control, helpless,
Neighbourhood working and organisational culture
Publication 1 January 2009
Neighbourhood working and organisational culture: A scoping paper for the Neighbourhood Action Network. Over the last decade there has been a growing acknowledgement within local government that one of the major impediments to improving service delivery is the culture of
How to innovate: the tools for social innovation
Publication 1 December 2008
This paper provides a first output from a major study, funded and in partnership with Nesta, on the methods being used to generate and grow social innovation around the world. It sets out the context for the methods project, analysing
Mind and Matter: The importance of psychological needs for social policy
Publication 30 November 2008
This work was part of the Young Foundation’s Mapping Unmet and Emerging Needs programme. The programme brought together a coalition of more than a dozen independent foundations and funding bodies to develop new insights into how social needs in Britain
Valuing Family, Valuing Work: British Muslim Women and the Labour Market
Publication 30 October 2008
This report on second generation British Muslim women showed that although most want to work only 49% of them have a job – and the rest face severe barriers. The report uses previously unpublished data of the employment levels of
Neighbourhood Taskforces
Publication 1 October 2008
Conflict exists at all levels of society, from the most localised of settings where neighbours bicker over the height of hedges to its most extreme form, violence between nations. Tensions also exist under the surface of most communities. The root
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