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100 results found
Being Seen, Being Heard: promoting emotional wellbeing for children and young people
Publication 30 September 2012
This document sets out research and recommendations for a school-based approach to promote emotional wellbeing amongst children and young people in Buckinghamshire. It focuses on supporting schools and local agencies to promote mental health interventions to boost mental wellbeing of
Framework of outcomes for young people
Publication 1 July 2012
Young people are living, learning and negotiating transitions to adulthood and independence in an increasingly complex and challenging world, in which they face greater levels of choice and opportunity, but also unprecedented uncertainty and risk. This calls for empowered, resilient
Developing skills for life and work: Accelerating social and emotional learning across South Australia
Publication 15 February 2012
Young people today enter a world of unparalleled uncertainty and risk, with the most marginalised and vulnerable facing the greatest threat. In 2012, the majority of young people in South Australia continued to thrive, with lower than average youth unemployment,
Growing interest? Mapping the market for social finance in the youth sector
Publication 1 August 2011
The 11,000 organisations that comprised the voluntary and community youth sector (VCYS) in 2010 were (and are) under unprecedented pressure. This report considers the potential for social finance to not only address under-capitalisation, but also to grow the capacity and
Informing Investment in Youth Work: Measuring value and strengthening the evidence base
Publication 30 June 2011
We believe that managing the transition between youth and adulthood better is vitally important in improving outcomes for young people. However there is a lack of evidence about what works in this area. Further, such evidence as exists is not
The Way to Work: Young People Speak Out on Transitions to Employment
Publication 1 May 2011
The world of work and transitions to adulthood and independence are in a state of flux. Young people negotiating their transitions to adulthood are faced with unprecedented choice and opportunity, but also far greater levels of uncertainty and risk. The
Plugged in, untapped: Using digital technologies to help young people learn to lead
Publication 30 September 2010
Digital technologies can be powerful tools for empowering young people to lead positive social change. But these new resources are no magic bullet, and young people aren’t always the ‘digital natives’ they’re made out to be. While young people are
Weathering the storm – Negotiating Transitions in Britain Today
Publication 30 January 2010
This report looks at how people manage difficult and traumatic transitions. For some transitions such as leaving prison or care, unemployment or the end of a relationship can trigger a positive change. For others a difficult transition can undermine and
Helping or Hindering – Meeting Young People’s Needs in Bedford
Publication 1 January 2010
This report looks at the needs of young people in Bedford, particularly focusing on how those who are not in education, employment or training seek assistance and access services. It identifies the lack of skills, opportunities, and qualifications as being
Stuck on London’s hard shoulder: Social needs in a fast moving city
Publication 1 January 2010
London is one of the wealthiest cities on the planet, but also suffers from serious levels of poverty and unemployment. London’s top 10% benefited greatly from the financial boom – but relatively little wealth trickled down and now the cost
Sinking and Swimming: Understanding Britain’s Unmet Needs
Publication 1 December 2009
This is a study of who is sinking and who is swimming in Britain today. Based on new analysis of statistical data, case studies, surveys and hundreds of conversations with people across the country, the study shows where the most
Taking the lead: Youth leadership in theory and practice
Publication 1 October 2009
This report asks what is youth leadership? Why does it matter? And how can we support and nurture the development of our young leaders? Taking the lead critically investigates youth leadership, bringing together experts’ views and best practice from around
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