1491 results found

‘Take ‘no’ as a question’: seven habits for serial change-makers

Feature 29 November 2023

Sir Geoff Mulgan, former CEO of The Young Foundation, remembers Michael Young and shares qualities he possessed that seem particularly relevant to the world more than a century after his birth. 

‘Building peace together’: a complex social endeavour

Feature 29 November 2023

Nearly 40 years ago, Michael Young and his contemporaries sought to support peace around the world. Their vision is still core to International Alert – and our collective future, says Executive Director Nic Hailey CMG.

‘Disrupting the system’: how Young opened doors to higher education

Feature 29 November 2023

Young founded the Open University as a ‘National Grid of Learning’, and it continues to enable access to higher education for learners across the UK, says Professor Josie Fraser, Deputy Vice-Chancellor. 

‘On the side of the consumer’: upholding Young’s commitment to fairness

Feature 29 November 2023

Founded by Michael Young more than 66 years ago, Which? continues to stand up for consumers’ rights, working with businesses and government to protect consumers from harmlor. 

‘Inspiring individuals’: ensuring Young’s legacy lives on 

Feature 29 November 2023

Established by Michael Young in 1963 as a not-for-profit distance learning provider, the National Extension College (NEC) continues to widen access to education for people of all ages. 

‘Raising our expectation of participation’

Blog 29 November 2023

We launch our new five-year strategy at a time of great challenge and division, says our CEO, Helen Goulden – and everyone in the UK should experience the power of participation to affect meaningful change

‘The driver of Michael’s innovation was often discontent’

Blog 29 November 2023

Discontent can be a powerful force for good, if we choose to participate in generating new solutions, says Helen Goulden.

‘Society has changed considerably’: Young’s u3a has matured

Feature 28 November 2023

A child of its time, the ‘university’ Michael Young co-founded to be run by older people, for older people, has now hit middle age. By Dr Liz Thackray, Chair, Third Age Trust 

‘His values guide our future’: Michael and the Youngian vision of Social Research

Feature 23 November 2023

Aspects of Michael Young’s vision, dating back to over half a century, feel urgently relevant today, says Stian Westlake, Executive Chair, ESRC.

Forever Young

Celebrating our 70-year legacy, we continue to embrace the spirit of our founder, Michael Young, as we address challenges facing UK communities today, and tomorrow.

‘He mixed the intellectual rigour of research with the entrepreneurial flair of business’

Blog 22 November 2023

The Young Foundation Trustee, Mike Omoniyi, explains what being ‘Forever Young’ means to him.

‘He was a do-er; he got his hands dirty to make changes for the better’

Blog 22 November 2023

Our Trustee Kate Hainsworth shares what the spirit of Michael Young means to her.


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