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1529 results found
Adapting to change: the role of community resilience
Publication 1 October 2012
Adapting to Change asks what it is that makes communities not just bounce back from adversity but thrive when faced with long-term challenges. This report, commissioned by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, seeks to build on this work, deepen our understanding
Reducing crime: the case for preventative investment
Publication 30 September 2012
Ignoring the need for prevention can store up big problems for the future, whether the issue is health or criminal justice, homelessness or poor performance at school. But faced with austerity, the risk is that local services concentrate on making
Being Seen, Being Heard: promoting emotional wellbeing for children and young people
Publication 30 September 2012
This document sets out research and recommendations for a school-based approach to promote emotional wellbeing amongst children and young people in Buckinghamshire. It focuses on supporting schools and local agencies to promote mental health interventions to boost mental wellbeing of
The wellbeing and resilience paradox
Publication 1 September 2012
Wellbeing and resilience are linked: over time the quality of anyone’s life will depend on a certain amount of mental toughness. But are wellbeing and resilience two sides of the same coin or is it possible to be resilient but
Framework of outcomes for young people
Publication 1 July 2012
Young people are living, learning and negotiating transitions to adulthood and independence in an increasingly complex and challenging world, in which they face greater levels of choice and opportunity, but also unprecedented uncertainty and risk. This calls for empowered, resilient
An insight into the impact of the cuts on some of the most vulnerable in Camden
Publication 1 July 2012
By 2012, austerity measures across the country had been changing the shape and size of Britain’s public services for several years. National and local government were forced to make difficult decisions about which services to prioritise and which to re-shape
Invisible Men: Engaging More Men in Social Projects
Publication 1 July 2012
In a socio-political context including rising unemployment and the 2012 UK riots, men are increasingly facing crises but are more resistant to seeking help. Yet in spite of this, men are rarely considered to be a “target group” and all
Early learning from Big Local: An overview of evidence from the first 50 areas, July 2011 to March 2012
Repository entry 1 July 2012
Produced by the Community Development Foundation the Big Local early learning report is based on information collected by Local Trust and delivery partners between July 2011 and March 2012, and as such is based on information from the first 50 Big Local areas.
In it, the Community Development Foundation and the Institute for Voluntary Action R…
What are community studies?
Repository entry 1 July 2012
A short presentation on the definition and evolution of community studies by Graham Crow, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Methodology at the University of Edinburgh.
Local 2.0: How digital technology empowers local communities
Publication 30 May 2012
Local 2.0 was a Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) funded project that aimed to learn how local communities can be empowered through social media and other digital technologies. Between April 2010 and April 2012 we supported communities in
TEPSIE Social Innovation Overview – parts I, II, III, IV and Bibliography
Publication 30 May 2012
This project, exploring the Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Foundations for Social Innovation in Europe (TEPSIE) is being carried out by a consortium of six partners, including The Young Foundation. Together, this consortium has designed a research programme which aims to
Taking Tottenham Forward Community Summit
Publication 1 May 2012
The Young Foundation was commissioned by the London Borough of Haringey to design and facilitate the Tottenham Community Summit. The aim of the Community Summit was to create the opportunity for local stakeholders to meet one another, learn about the
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