1491 results found

‘Reflections on Michael Young’s legacy’

Blog 8 February 2024

Find out more about Michael Young’s legacy and the important work carried out by the institutions he founded over the years.

A five-point plan for a green and fair future

Blog 8 February 2024

Net zero transition must leave no one behind, says Emily Morrison – and our research shows how national policy can make it so

‘A community space, a pub, and better lighting in public spaces’

Blog 2 February 2024

What do communities need? Leonie Taylor reflects on the realities of engaging local people in planning strategies and highlights the importance of peer research as a driver for change.

Our journey to net zero: Understanding household and community participation in the UK’s transition to a greener future

Repository entry 1 February 2024

Our new report warns the government’s existing net zero transition policies are likely to make the poor poorer, and push struggling communities further into deprivation and exclusion.

This research – which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation and developed with the University of Leeds, University of York and Trinity College Dublin – f…

‘From incarceration to transformation’: creating homes for former prisoners

Blog 25 January 2024

Darryn Frost QGM says the Community Knowledge Fund grant awarded to his organisation was a catalyst for positive change, ensuring prison-leavers are seen, heard and housed.

Big Challenge Education winners announced

News 24 January 2024

Competition celebrates young people’s innovations in education, with winners addressing climate anxiety, healthy eating, and technology-enabled support for blind and visually impaired people

Adira Andlay

Person 16 January 2024

With a specialisation in co-design and citizen engagement, Adira leads a range of mixed-method research projects, from community-led social innovation to supporting peer research training. She has a multidisciplinary background in design research, social innovation and visual communication.

Introduction to peer research course

18 April 2024
9:30am – 3:30pm

This online course is for organisations wishing to develop their peer research project management skills in-house. A previous participant said: “I learnt a lot and feel inspired.”

‘If there is nowhere to go, communities go nowhere’

Blog 9 January 2024

Reflecting on the Community Ownership Commission’s report, Helen Goulden says local people have huge ambition to create great places to live, work and thrive – and so should any government.

Revolutionising institutions: the enduring legacy of Michael Young 

Feature 30 November 2023

In a world of social movements, networks and fast-paced change, Young shows us that institutions prevail as fashions and political agendas come and go. By Helen Goulden.

The Power of Participation: our vision 2024-28

Publication 30 November 2023

Embracing the spirit of our founder, Michael Young, our five-year strategy, The Power of Participation, shares our vision to redesign the social contract between people, communities, state and business and shape a fairer, greener future.

A historical perspective: Michael Young’s legacy and the history of the Institute for Community Studies

Publication 29 November 2023

Marking 70 years since the Institute for Community Studies’ inception, Holly Smith outlines it’s profound impact on the welfare state and political thinking.


Community research

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Social innovation

Involving people from diverse sectors to shape game-changing initiatives.

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