25 results found

Why don’t they ask us? The role of communities in levelling up

Publication 14 July 2021

How have policies and interventions for local economic development affected communities in England? As the government commits to ‘ensure no region is left behind’, our research explores what works for UK communities – and what doesn’t.

The UpSwing: The Young Foundation in conversation with Robert D. Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett

Blog 12 March 2021

You can now watch The Young Foundation and The Institute for Community Studies’s event with the ‘poet laureate of civil society’ Robert D. Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett.


Understanding local patterns of volunteer activity during Covid-19

News 3 March 2021

Together with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), The Young Foundation is conducting new research to understand the various ways in which volunteers have been (and continue to be) active within local authority areas across England during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to the Museum of 2020

Blog 28 January 2021

In December last year, we asked you: What object sums up your experiences of 2020? What object will most remind you of 2020 in years to come? What ‘thing’ couldn’t you have coped without? Or has kept your spirits up?

Vaccine hesitancy fuelled by need for more information on safety

News 22 January 2021

A nationally representative survey of 2,005 UK residents confirms that only a little more than half (57%) are keen to take the vaccine as soon as possible. Almost a quarter (22%) say they need ‘more information’ before making their decision.

A vaccine: will we take it?

News 15 November 2020

Just before hopeful news of a new Covid-19 vaccine emerged this week, 123 people across the country were asked to share their thoughts on taking a vaccine, their reasons behind this – and who should receive it as a priority.

National Peer Research Network welcomes 15 new members

News 23 July 2020

A new cohort of peer researchers has graduated from 6 weeks of remote training and officially joined The Young Foundation’s National Peer Research Network.

‘Covid & Me’ diaries: exit strategies

Blog 7 May 2020

With the lockdown exit strategy due to be announced by the Government on Sunday, we were curious to find out what UK residents think is the best way to lift lockdown

‘Covid & Me’ diaries: community voices

Blog 3 May 2020

The speed of Covid-19 spreading across the country and impact on UK society has turned our lives upside down.

Emerging from Lockdown (Part One)

Blog 29 April 2020

There is an increasingly vocal common hope that in amongst the pain for those who experience illness and loss through Covid-19 and all the associated long-term social, health and economic impacts of lockdown, we will come out of this with a renewed sense of community.

Community, Covid-19 and you: ways to share your stories

News 6 April 2020

Covid-19 is radically changing the way we go about our day-to-day lives. It’s shifting where we turn for help and support, and how we interact with friends, family and neighbours. The Young Foundation is asking people to share their experiences of physical and social distancing, asking how you connect with friends and family during this fast-changing and challenging time.

Community in a time of Covid-19

News 6 April 2020

Building on our long heritage of seeking to understand and involve communities in issues that directly affect them, The Young Foundation has today launched a landmark programme of research, focussed on understanding what it really feels like to live in a society characterised by contagion and containment. 


Community research

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