Sean Croghan

Director of Finance and Corporate Resources

Sean provides the supporting infrastructure to ensure quality delivery of our work and mission. He is passionate about developing strong teams, solving complex problems, and using data and technology to improve decision-making and maximise impact.

Sarah Hogg

Communications Associate

Supporting social media and communications activity at The Young Foundation since 2020, Sarah has extensive experience driving reputation and reach for a diverse range of charitable organisations and companies.

Rose Mosse

Associate, The Young Foundation

Co-creating collaborative, generative and transformational experiences, Rose is fascinated by systems and making sense of them. She has an MSc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, is a fellow in Social Innovation, and a student of Process-Oriented Psychology. 

Isabella Pereira

Head of the Institute for Community Studies

Previously Head of Qualitative Research Methods at Ipsos’s Social Research Institute, Isabella is a qualitative and mixed methods expert with more than 15 years’ experience in researching vulnerable audiences. Her published research includes work on the resettlement of Syrian refugees for the Home Office, and on the Living Home Standard for Shelter.

Lily Owens-Crossman

Senior Researcher, Institute for Community Studies

Lily is passionate about engaging communities in research to drive social change and exploring the most effective and valuable ways to do so from participant perspectives. Her background is in research focused on migration and children and young people, and she has an MRes in Global Migrations and Social Justice.

Emma Newbury

Head of Participatory Research

Emma’s expertise is in designing, leading and implementing participatory research to drive understanding of social justice. She has worked internationally with governments, institutions and charities.

Jack Layton

Senior Researcher

Jack is passionate about making our towns and cities better places to live. As part of the team at the Institute for Community Studies, he works to ensure people’s voices across the country are heard and their needs prioritised.

Rachael McNiven

Interim Communications and Design Officer

Rachael delivers creative design solutions, impactful visual communications, multimedia, and social media content. Passionate about supporting organisations working towards social justice, sustainability, and better-connected communities, she has worked for a variety of charities, not-for-profits and academic clients.

Cristina Wilkinson Salamea

Senior Research Manager

Cristina is a mixed-methods social researcher with an MSc in sociology from the University of Edinburgh. She has more than seven years’ experience working in research and evaluation in agency, charity and academic settings.

Adira Andlay

Senior Researcher

With a specialisation in co-design and citizen engagement, Adira leads a range of mixed-method research projects, from community-led social innovation to supporting peer research training. She has a multidisciplinary background in design research, social innovation and visual communication.

Gary Fawdrey

Innovation Practitioner

Gary joined The Young Foundation in 2023, having previously supported social innovators and designed innovation funding programmes through roles with Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund and Nesta’s Challenge Works. As an Innovation Practitioner Gary works across the Young Foundation’s social innovation portfolio.

Rosema Nawaz

Project Coordinator

Rosema joined The Young Foundation as a Project Coordinator in 2023. Previously, she worked within the Mental Health sector in Bradford, to improve accessibility of Mental Health Services using Artificial Intelligence.


Community research

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