1491 results found

An introduction to participatory policymaking with young people

21 June 2023
10:00am – 1:00pm

We invite local policymakers, youth organisations, and academics to explore findings from the UPLIFT project.

Lynn Macdonald

Person 26 May 2023

Lynn provides project support to the research team and Peer Researcher Network. She joined The Young Foundation in 2023 from a career background in project office and change management, and is motivated to help reduce barriers to inclusion, and to support positive social change.

A spotlight on the ‘S’ in ESG on the Turley ESG Bites podcast

Blog 25 May 2023

Helen Goulden discusses The Young Foundation’s ‘Quest for the ‘S’ in ESG’ on the Turley ESG Bites podcast.

Jacob Coburn

Person 16 May 2023

Joining the Institute for Community Studies in 2023, Jacob leads work focused on supporting anchor institutions to develop deeper more integrated relationships, aimed at enabling greater knowledge-sharing and strategic thinking.

Jem Hai

Person 11 May 2023

Jem joined The Young Foundation in 2023 after having worked as a Research Assistant for a charity supporting children living in deprivation.

‘Communities must be at the heart of a people-powered transition to net zero’

Blog 11 May 2023

The independent review calls for widespread participation in low-carbon living – yet government policy hasn’t changed, says Samanthi Theminimulle.

Join the Community Tune-In

10 May 2023
5:00pm – 8:00pm

Join our free community music event Toynbee Hall in Tower Hamlets, celebrating songs that matter to local people and communities.

Introduction to peer research course

20 February 2024
9:30am – 3:30pm

This online course is for organisations wishing to develop their peer research project management skills in-house. A previous participant said: “I learnt a lot and feel inspired.”

‘Vital and timely’ net zero policy research

News 14 April 2023

Funding from the British Academy will drive a six-month project exploring place-sensitive participatory policy development for a ‘just transition’ to net zero.

‘I know first-hand that immigrants can feel alienated in their own home’

Blog 13 April 2023

Kickstart peer researcher Christina Riddle shares thoughts on – and research into – the experiences of immigrants in the UK.

Immigration Kickstart report

Publication 13 April 2023

This report explores the experiences of first and second generation immigrant British populations, and has been developed and devised by a group of young Kickstart peer research recruits.

The Community Tune-In

Songs tell stories, bring people together, create special memories and share culture and traditions. This project celebrates the UK’s diverse communities through music.  


Community research

We are a not-for-profit tackling societal issues with a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach.

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Social innovation

Involving people from diverse sectors to shape game-changing initiatives.

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