1529 results found

Brighton Open Market

Repository entry 1 October 2016

# Preview | Download RI-03-CS-Brighton Open Market.pdf75kB Author(s) Unspecified Citation Unspecified (2016) Brighton Open Market. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change Location: South East

Croydon Saffron Central

Repository entry 1 October 2016

# Preview | Download RI-03-Croydon Saffron Central.pdf75kB Author(s) Unspecified Citation Unspecified (2016) Croydon Saffron Central. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change Location: London

Power to Change Annual Grantee Survey 2016

Repository entry 1 October 2016

This is the first in a regular series of annual reports on the experiences of Power to Change grantees. It is based on a survey of all 54 organisations that received grant offers between January 2015 and May 2016. Overall, the survey concludes a strong and positive impact on the profile of grantees as a result of their association with Power to…

South Tynedale Railway

Repository entry 1 October 2016

# Preview | Download RI-03-CS-South Tynedale Railway.pdf77kB Author(s) Unspecified Citation Unspecified (2016) South Tynedale Railway. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change Location: North East

A study of community engagement within the Big Local programme

Repository entry 1 September 2016

This project was commissioned by Local Trust and explored various facets of community engagement, looking at similarities and differences between Big Local areas in terms of engaging their communities and teasing out what learning might be shared.

The aim of the research was to increase understanding of community engagement in Big Local areas:…

A study of community engagement within the Big Local programme (Summary)

Repository entry 1 September 2016

This project was commissioned by Local Trust and explored various facets of community engagement, looking at similarities and differences between Big Local areas in terms of engaging their communities and teasing out what learning might be shared.

The aim of the research was to increase understanding of community engagement in Big Local areas:…

Commissioning in Crisis

Repository entry 1 September 2016

Commissioning in Crisis was conducted by the Foundation in a bid to better understand the processes behind the commissioning of public services from the perspective of small and medium-sized charities. Small charities are affected by a push towards large-scale contracts and a decline in grants.

This research highlights how the current commiss…

Fertile Ground: Creating the conditions for social innovation to flourish in Northern Ireland

Publication 26 July 2016

Northern Ireland is in the midst of a period of intense social and economic change. We face both profound challenges and a complex web of new opportunities. This is a moment that requires creative solutions to address the greatest issues

Analysis of applicants to the Initial Grants Programme

Repository entry 1 July 2016

The Power to Change Research Institute commissioned Regeneris Consulting to carry out the analysis of data collected from the Initial Grants Programme. This report summarises the findings of the data submitted to better understand who applied and why and what determined success.

Amplify Sheffield

Publication 18 June 2016

From January to June 2016, the Young Foundation worked with Power to Change and Social Enterprise UK in three very different Sheffield neighbourhoods, Manor, Upperthorpe and Heeley, to explore approaches to place-based investment in the city. The report is based on semi-structured

Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 4

Publication 17 June 2016

The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our fourth Programme Insight, we consider

Credit where credit’s due?

Publication 24 May 2016

In 2016, over 12 million people in the UK did not have access to affordable credit. An estimated 16.8 per cent were over-indebted. In Wales, the proportion was higher in every single local authority area with three among the UK’s


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