Kickstarting careers in research

21 July 2022 | Authors: Private: Katriya Bulutoglu, Siân Whyte, Chelsea McDonagh,

This report shares learnings from The Young Foundation’s participation in the Department for Work and Pensions’ Kickstart Scheme.

An equitable future for research and innovation

20 July 2022 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE, Emily Morrison,

This report focuses on how the research and innovation (R&I) system can more equitably involve community groups and organisations with less power or representation.

Introducing the Community Power Act

13 June 2022 | Authors:

This proposal, supported by The Young Foundation, outlines new laws aim that could fundamentally change where power lies in this country.

Digital solutions: tech-powered responses to 21st century crises

13 June 2022 | Authors:

This paper explores the potential to develop digital civic infrastructure to support our national growth and drive levelling up.

Fatphobia Kickstart report

15 May 2022 | Authors:

A report exploring young people’s experiences of fatphobia, developed and devised by a group of young Kickstart peer research recruits.

The Young Academy Investment Fund Impact Report 2021

20 April 2022 | Authors: Sarah Faber,

This report assesses the impact of The Young Academy Investment Fund.

Beyond the ‘foggy and uncertain’: supporting young people’s futures

28 March 2022 | Authors: Alice Bell,

A new report shares insight into the concerns and priorities of young people around England, and outlines their vision for a better future.

Kickstart reports – sprint three

18 February 2022 | Authors:

This report explores young people’s experiences of racism on social media, developed and devised by a group of young Kickstart peer research recruits.

Response to the Levelling Up White Paper

14 February 2022 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE,

Our report addresses the ‘missions’ of the government’s Levelling Up White Paper and proposes action to work ‘radically differently’ by involving local people and communities to drive meaningful change. 

Kickstart reports – sprint two

20 January 2022 | Authors:

A report designed and created by young people on the Kickstart scheme, exploring experiences of financial literacy.

Kickstart reports – sprint one

26 November 2021 | Authors:

Reports designed and created by young people on the Kickstart scheme, exploring experiences of employment among LGBTQ+ young people, and those with ADHD.

London Civic Strength Index

18 October 2021 | Authors: Jana Tauschinski,

Co-designed and co-created with Londoners, the Civic Strength Index helps boroughs and organisations across the capital consider the strengths of their communities and how build on them.


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