A curated and searchable collection of community-related research reports, case studies and publications
Community business and collaboration – Ten case studies
Published: 2018
# Preview | Download WP-2018-11-CS-Community business and collaboration.pdf1MB Author(s) Steve Wyler Citation Wyler, S. (2018) Community business and collaboration – Ten case studies. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change Location: International
Community Business in 2030
Published: 2018
Drawing on the views and experiences of more than 40 community businesses and 20 experts, Community Business in 2030 illustrates the transformative effect the sector could have on both local people’s lives and society as a whole. To turn the vision into a reality, however, the researchers, Forum for the Future, say eight big shifts are needed…
Community Business in 2030: Literature Review
Published: 2018
Over a number of months in 2018, Forum for the Future convened an inquiry into the future of community business, working with Goldsmith’s University, Steve Wyler, Cooperatives UK, Locality, the Plunkett Foundation and Social Enterprise UK. The report of the inquiry can be accessed on the Power to Change website. As part of the work of the inq…
Better places through community business: A framework for impact evaluation
Published: 2018
This is the first of three planned impact reports. It draws together existing and new evidence to provide a baseline picture of both Power to Change’s impact on its grantees and the wider marketplace, and the impact that grantees are having on people and places. It is intended for use by Power to Change, our stakeholders and anyone else who i…
Community business in place
Published: 2018
This working paper was produced as part of an evaluation and learning review of Power to Change’s Community Business Fund, led by Renaisi. The Community Business Fund is aimed at community businesses who need funding for a business development project that will make them more sustainable, making grant awards of between £50,000 and £300,000….
How do community businesses differ from other voluntary and community organisations in the North of England?
Published: 2018
This report compares the activities of local community businesses with those of other types of third sector organisation (TSOs) in the North of England. To do so, it draws upon findings from the Third Sector Trends study which was undertaken in 2016. A total of 3,594 responses were gained from the survey which represents a response rate of 12.7…
Re-thinking the English indices of multiple deprivation: A review and exploration of alternative and complementary area-based indicator systems
Published: 2018
Power to Change commissioned the Bristol Centre for Economics and Finance (BCEF) of the University of the West of England (UWE) to review what insights on disadvantage the current English IMD offers, how these insights fit with the Power to Change mission, and ‘good practice’ in filling the gaps between the insights of the existing IMD and …
We want to change and they have the power: Findings of Bristol BAME sector review
Published: 2018
The legacy of austerity and enduring underinvestment – which stems form lack of equity in funding and procurement – have left Bristol’s BAME-led sector wounded. Survival has become the key measure of success, and most organisations rely on tight budgets and depend on voluntary work in order to survive. This report presents findings o…
Sustainable social care: What role for community business?
Published: 2018
# Preview | Download ORC-2018-08-Sustainable social care.pdf2MB Author(s) Sarah Bedford Aidan Harper Citation Bedford, S. and Harper, A. (2018) Sustainable social care: What role for community business? Research Report. New Economics Foundation. Details Report type: Research Report Publisher: New Economics
Targeting funding to support community-led housing
Published: 2018
This working paper looks at the objectives of Power to Change’s community-led housing (CLH) funding programme and brings together evidence which will help target Power to Change’s interventions. Looking first at the Development stages of CLH groups, and their funding and support needs the report then maps the current landscape (and gaps in)…
The Urban CLT Project Evaluation
Published: 2018
In 2014, the National Community Land Trust Network launched the Urban Community Land Trusts (CLT) Project, aimed at supporting the expansion of CLTs in urban areas. The project provided 19 participating CLTs with grants of £10,000, giving them the flexibility to determine how best to spend it in accordance with local priorities. The proje…
Village halls, rural community hubs and buildings: The size, scale, scope and potential of these community business
Published: 2018
# Preview | Download ORC-2018-08-Village halls rural community hubs and buildings.pdf1MB Author(s) Nick Scott Yvonne Probert Citation Scott, N. and Probert, Y. (2018) Village halls, rural community hubs and buildings: The size, scale, scope and potential of these community business.