A curated and searchable collection of community-related research reports, case studies and publications
Next Generation case study: Gloucestershire Community Energy Co-op
Published: 2020
The aims of the Gloucestershire Community Energy Coop (GCEC) are to enable local communities and individuals to take part in exciting renewable energy schemes across the county, and to encourage energy saving initiatives. By installing solar panels on community buildings, and developing suitable sites for wind and hydro schemes, we aim to give …
Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #1: How will communities respond to and recover from this crisis?
Published: 2020
This research briefing connects communities currently responding to COVID-19 to others who have faced major crises such as epidemics, floods, fires, earthquakes, wars and terrorist incidents. It provides a language to describe how communities forge new bonds and find common purpose, and identifies factors that may shape how well they fare durin…
An Evaluation of the CLT Start Up Fund
Published: 2020
The Community Land Trust (CLT) Fund was established in October 2008 as a four-year pilot programme by a consortium of funders which has included the Tudor Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, CAF, Nationwide Foundation and a private donor. The aim of the Fund was to stimulate the development of the CLT sector in England and Wales by providing a…
Connecting the dots: The funding landscape for community business
Published: 2020
This paper explores the funding landscape for community businesses. In doing so, it also explores what is distinctive about Power to Change’s offering, so that it can plan for its eventual exit from the market. It combines data from 360Giving, Power to Change’s own grants data, the Social Economy Data Lab and open data published by the Heri…
Community hubs: Ten strategies for sustainability – Learning from the experience of Safe Regeneration – A community hub in the Liverpool city region
Published: 2020
# Preview | Download ORC-2020-02-Community hubs-ten strategies for sustainability.pdf2MB Author(s) Kerry Traynor Glenn Simpson Citation Traynor, K. and Simpson, G. (2020) Community hubs: Ten strategies for sustainability – Learning from the experience of Safe Regeneration – A community hub in
Food for thought: Understanding market development in the community business sector
Published: 2020
This paper highlights key questions on the nature of market development in relation to community business: what it is, what it entails, and how success might be measured. It is drawn from interviews conducted with members of the Power to Change market development team and other stakeholders during September and early October 2019. The paper pri…
Developing potential lessons from community experiences of regeneration
Published: 2020
This report was commissioned by Local Trust to provide a resource for communities experiencing regeneration initiatives. It aims to bring together case studies and practical guidance to help ensure that communities are effectively involved in the regeneration process, to the benefit of both local residents and those designing and delivering fut…
The community asset transfer of libraries: Considerations in community managed libraries taking a lease.
Published: 2020
Since April 2011, at least 576 libraries have been transferred to being run entirely by volunteers for some of the time. This report by Sheffield University Management School and Newcastle Business School examines the community asset transfer process whereby library services are taken into community ownership and the impact on libraries’ long…
The community hub handbook: How to run a successful hub and make your neighbourhood thrive
Published: 2020
# Preview | Download G-2020-01-The community hub handbook.pdf3MB Author(s) Unspecified Citation Unspecified (2020) The community hub handbook: How to run a successful hub and make your neighbourhood thrive. Practice Guide. Power to Change. Details Report type: Practice Guide Publisher: Power
Charities Responding to COVID: Winter 2020 Update
Published: 2020
This report captures the views and experiences of 180 small, local and specialist charities working in communities across England and Wales on the frontline of supporting people through COVID-19, lockdown and beyond. This is drawn from annual monitoring reports from the Lloyd Bank Foundation’s grant holders that were received between May and …
Charities Responding to COVID
Published: 2020
This report brings together original research from Lloyds Bank Foundation’s monitoring reports detailing the impact of COVID-19 on their grantees and applicants through regular contact with their Regional Managers.
These findings are based on conversations with over 300 charities and analysis of those responses to identify themes and trends as…
Transform: End of Programme Summary
Published: 2020
In 2017 Lloyds Bank Foundation established the Transform programme with the aim of influencing policy and strengthening infrastructure and innovation in the domestic and sexual abuse sectors.
It invested £1.6m to fund 16 projects which all aimed to create social change by influencing others – individuals, services and systems – to do things d…